Original Album “YUKIO PIANO”-Piano Playing Narrative (Click here if you want to purchase the entire work)
11. OUR OWN CONCERT (lyrics and composition Yukio) (wav-44, 100Hz-16bit) trial listening
Let’s hold a concert. Call a close friend
Let’s have a fun concert. Call everyone.
Heaven is sleeping. Pinch your nose a little.
Let’s hold a concert. Call a close friend
Come on, come on
The curtain will rise
Are you ready?
Even if you can’t play an instrument, it doesn’t matter.
Have a fun concert Bring her all
Heaven is sleeping. Pinch your nose a little.
The concert is about to start
Come on, come on
Dream story
Beginning, beginning
by google translate
¥ 150 (excluding tax)
11.音楽会を開こう(作詞作曲 ゆきお) (wav-44,100Hz-16bit)
音楽会を開こう 親しい友達を呼んできて
楽しい音楽会を開こう みんなを呼んでこいよ
お天とう様は寝てるよ ちょっと鼻をつまんでこいよ
音楽会を開こう 親しい友達を呼んできて
別に楽器が弾けなくても そんなことお構いなしなのさ
楽しい音楽会を開くんだ みんなを連れてきて
お天とう様は寝てるよ ちょっと鼻をつまんでこいよ
音楽会が始まるぜ友達 大勢呼んできて
¥ 150 for US $
¥ 150 for €
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